Partnership between EEF, Sutton Trust, Nesta and Impetus, with government funding, will provide support for schools through access to high-quality tuition.
A National Tutoring Programme worth £350m will provide catch-up support to primary and secondary school pupils who have missed out on learning during school closures, it was announced today.
Today, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson will set out a package of measures to support pupils in the next academic year and beyond. As part of this, state schools in England will be able to access high-quality tutoring for their pupils through the National Tutoring Programme.
Despite the considerable efforts of schools to support remote learning over the past months, many pupils will have fallen significantly behind in their learning. These pupils are more likely to be drawn from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds meaning the gap in attainment between this group and their classmates could almost certainly have widened.
There is extensive high-quality evidence demonstrating the potential of one-to-one and small-group tuition, delivered in partnership with schools, as a cost-effective way to support pupils who are falling behind. The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit suggests it can boost progress by up to +5 months. Randomised controlled trials funded by the EEF have also found positive effects for a range of tuition models.
However, access to tutoring is often limited to the schools and parents that can most afford it. Almost all the pupils that need intensive support the most will not be able to access it, with estimates indicating that 80% of disadvantaged pupils don’t have access to quality tuition.
Created through a collaboration between the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), Sutton Trust, Impetus and Nesta, with support from the Department for Education and funders including KPMG Foundation, the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) will give schools the resources they need to address this challenge through two strands:
- In NTP Partners, schools will be able to access heavily subsided tuition from an approved list of tuition partners. These organisations – who will all be subject to quality and evaluation standards – will be given support and funding to reach many more disadvantaged pupils.
- In NTP Coaches, trained graduates will by employed by schools in the most disadvantaged areas to provide intensive catch-up support to their pupils, allowing teachers in these schools to focus on their classrooms.
Earlier this month, the four organisations launched pilots of four different models of online tuition with support from Wellcome Trust, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, the Hg Foundation, the Dulverton Trust, the Inflexion Foundation and other funders. The findings from these pilots will feed into the evidence underpinning the National Tutoring Programme
The National Tutoring Programme will be running an open call to select organisations to deliver the tutoring.
Sir Peter Lampl, founder and chairman of the Sutton Trust and chairman of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), said:
Professor Becky Francis, CEO of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), said:
Andy Ratcliffe, CEO of Impetus, said:
Ravi Gurumurthy, CEO at Nesta, the innovation foundation, said:
For any other enquiries or questions regarding the National Tutoring Programme, please email