Education Endowment Foundation:1stClass@Number 1 – first trial

1stClass@Number 1 – first trial

Edge Hill University
Implementation costThe cost estimates in the Toolkits are based on the average cost of delivering the intervention.
Evidence strengthThis rating provides an overall estimate of the robustness of the evidence, to help support professional decision-making in schools.
Impact (months)The impact measure shows the number of additional months of progress made, on average, by children and young people who received the intervention, compared to similar children and young people who did not.
Project info

Independent Evaluator

University of Oxford logo
University of Oxford
An intensive 10-week numeracy intervention delivered by teaching assistants
Pupils: 532 Schools: 130 Grant: £287,500
Key Stage: 1 Duration: 2 year(s) 8 month(s) Type of Trial: Effectiveness level evidence
Completed July 2018

The EEF tested 1stClass@Number 1, a programme delivered by teaching assistants which provides intensive support for pupils struggling with maths. We funded this project because it has been used by over 4,000 schools and a similar intervention, Numbers Count, has strong evidence of impact.

  1. Pupils who received 1stClass@Number 1 made two months’ additional progress in maths, on average, compared to pupils in the control group. This result has a high security rating.
  2. The primary result was not statistically significant. This means that, in this trial, even if the intervention had not had an impact, the probability that just by chance we would have observed an effect size as large as the one found is greater than 5%
  3. Pupils who received 1stClass@Number 1 did not perform better in the end-of-KS1 maths test, on average, than pupils in the control group. This could be because the headline maths measure used in the trial was more sensitive than the simple five point scale available for the end-of-KS1 maths test, or because it tests specifically those skills taught in 1stClass@Number 1.
  4. Among pupils eligible for free schools meals, those who received the intervention did not make any additional progress in maths compared to pupils in the control group. This result has lower security than the overall result because of the smaller number of pupils.
  5. The intervention was implemented as intended by the developer: most TAs and Link Teachers attended most training sessions, and most of the TAs observed during the evaluation followed the written lesson plans closely.
ImpactThe size of the difference between pupils in this trial and other pupils
SecurityHow confident are we in this result?
Quantitative Reasoning
Months' progress
Quantitative Reasoning (FSM)
Months' progress