Education Endowment Foundation:Response to Intervention – trial

Response to Intervention – trial

CUREE and AfA3As
Implementation costThe cost estimates in the Toolkits are based on the average cost of delivering the intervention.
Evidence strengthThis rating provides an overall estimate of the robustness of the evidence, to help support professional decision-making in schools.
Impact (months)The impact measure shows the number of additional months of progress made, on average, by children and young people who received the intervention, compared to similar children and young people who did not.
Project info

Independent Evaluator

Durham University logo
Durham University
A targeted programme of support for low achieving pupils.
Schools: 61 Grant: £496,000
Key Stage: 2 Duration: 1 year(s) 2 month(s) Type of Trial: Efficacy level evidence
Completed November 2014

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a targeted programme that uses a tiered approach to identify the needs of low achieving pupils. The approach begins with whole class teaching (Tier 1), followed by small group tuition (Tier 2) for those who need more attention, and one to one tutoring (Tier 3) for those who do not respond to the small group instruction.

In this evaluation, the programme was delivered to Year 6 pupils who were at risk of not achieving Level 4 English at Key Stage 2 (KS2). RTI was delivered in the summer term in preparation for their transfer to secondary school. The development of the intervention, training and materials was led by the Centre for Use of Research Evidence in Education (CUREE). Achievement for All 3As (AfA3As) provided support as schools recruiter and the ongoing contact with schools. AfA3As Achievement Coaches worked closely with schools to support their use of RTI within the AfA3As framework. The two organisations worked together to deliver the intervention.

ImpactThe size of the difference between pupils in this trial and other pupils
SecurityHow confident are we in this result?
All pupils
Months' progress
(Effect size 0.19)
Months' progress
(Effect size 0.48)
Boys only
Months' progress
(Effect size 0.26)