Education Endowment Foundation:Visible Classroom – pilot

Visible Classroom – pilot

University of Melbourne
Project info

Independent Evaluator

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Using transcripts of classes to promote effective teacher practices.
Schools: 10 Grant: £366,030
Key Stage: 2 Duration: 2 year(s) 11 month(s) Type of Trial: Pilot Study
Completed January 2016

This page covers the pilot of Visible Classroom, which tested its potential for a full trial. To read about the (efficacy) trial – testing whether it can work in schools under best possible conditions – click here.

The Visible Classroom project aimed to use lesson transcripts to promote effective teaching practice and improve the attainment of pupils in primary school. The approach used real-time captioning’ technology to generate a live transcript of teachers’ speech in lessons and was developed by the University of Melbourne and technology provider Ai-Media UK.

Lesson transcripts were made available to teachers and used as the basis of a personalised dashboard’ which provided information about key features of lessons, such as the balance of teacher and pupil talk, the amount of thinking time’ given to pupils and the types of questioning used.

In addition, live transcripts could be projected directly onto a whiteboard or tablets. Pupils could use the transcripts to review learning instructions and goals, and used the devices to provide feedback on their learning at the end of each lesson.

This pilot evaluation involved ten primary schools in London and the West Midlands. Participating schools received training and followed the approach over two terms in the academic year 2013 – 14.

The evaluation had three aims. First, to assess the feasibility of the technology and overall approach. Second, to provide recommendations that could be used to improve the approach in the future. Third, to assess the promise of the approach, and its components, to inform any future trial.

This project was co-funded by the EEF and Nominet Trust as part of a funding round focused on digital technology.