The Impact of COVID-19 on Learning: A review of the evidence
Review of the impact of Covid-19 on pupil learning summarising existing researchUploaded: • 3.5 MB - pdfDownload resource The Impact of COVID-19 on Learning: A review of the evidence
The EEF have funded three studies looking at the impact of partial school closures on the disadvantage gap.
The EEF has produced a number of resources that respond to the challenges of remote teaching and long-term recovery. They include information on parental engagement, school planning and the National Tutoring Programme, and can be found on the COVID-19 section of our website.
Rapid evidence assessment summary
Uploaded: • 253.8 KB - pdfDownload resource Rapid evidence assessment summary
Impact of school closures on the attainment gap: Rapid Evidence Assessment (June 2020)
Uploaded: • 732.0 KB - pdfDownload resource Impact of school closures on the attainment gap: Rapid Evidence Assessment (June 2020)
Impact of school closures in Key Stage 1 on attainment and social skills of pupils in Year 4 and Year 5 in academic year 2023/2024
Uploaded: • 3.1 MB - pdfDownload resource Impact of school closures in Key Stage 1 on attainment and social skills of pupils in Year 4 and Year 5 in academic year 2023/2024