A new survey published by the Sutton Trust today has shown 59% of senior school leaders now use our Teaching and Learning Toolkit to inform their decisions – that’s up from 11% in 2012, a year after the Toolkit was first published.
The same survey also suggests around one-quarter of classroom teachers are now using our Toolkit – 23% said they use it, up from just 4% in 2012.
The survey was commissioned by The Sutton Trust for its Best in Class 2018 research report.
The Sutton Trust (which helped set up the EEF in 2011) has been asking the following question each year through NFER’s Teacher Voice survey: How does your school decide which approaches and programmes to adopt to improve pupil learning?
The graph below shows the increasing use of the Toolkit in its first seven years:
1,246 state school teachers across England responded to this year’s survey from 1,100 schools in the maintained sector in England completed the survey. The panel included teachers from the full range of roles in primary and secondary schools, from headteachers to newly qualified class teachers.