Education Endowment Foundation:New EEF podcast: breakfast club provision in schools

New EEF podcast: breakfast club provision in schools


Today, the EEF has published the latest episode of our podcast, Evidence into Action’, focusing on breakfast club provision in schools

Podcast •1 minute •

In this instalment, host Alex Quigley is joined by co-host, Kirsten Mould (EEF Senior Content and Engagement Manager) and expert guests including:

  • Lindsey McDonald (Chief Executive, Magic Breakfast)
  • Toni Hayzen (Headteacher, Pembroke Park Primary School and Nursery)
  • Ash McGann (Headteacher, Burton Green Primary School)

They discuss breakfast club provision in schools, implementation challenges, impact, and advice for those looking to set up breakfast club provision in their setting.

For quick and easy access to future episodes, search for Evidence into Action’ in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts and make sure you subscribe there.