In this instalment, host Alex Quigley is joined by co-host, Kirsten Mould (our Senior Content Manager) and expert guests including:
- Jon Eaton, Director of Kingsbridge Research School and Research Lead at Kingsbridge Community College.
- Rebecca Gonyora, Director of Inclusion (MAT) Every Child, Every Day Academy Trust and Deputy Regional SEN Lead for East of England and East London (WSS).
- Gary Aubin, our Associate Content Specialist for SEND and Head of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Future Academies.
They discuss current challenges and opportunities for supporting pupils with SEN in mainstream schools.
For quick and easy access to future episodes, search for ‘Evidence into Action’ in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts and make sure you subscribe there.
Further reading
EEF’s Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools guidance report
EEF resource: reflecting on your practice
EEF blog: Assess, adjust, adapt – what does adaptive teaching mean to you?
EEF blog: Moving from ‘differentiation’ to ‘adaptive teaching’
Whole School SEND