Education Endowment Foundation:New EEF podcast: using research evidence well in education

New EEF podcast: using research evidence well in education


Today, the EEF has published the latest episode of our podcast, Evidence into Action’, focusing on using research evidence well in education.

Podcast •1 minute •

In this instalment, host Alex Quigley is joined by co-host, Kirstin Mulholland (EEF Associate for School Engagement and Evidence Use) and expert guests including:

  • Prof Rob Coe (Director of Research and Development at Evidence Based Education, EEF Senior Associate)
  • Sean Harris (Lead for Research Improvement and Innovation at Tees Valley Education Trust)
  • Claire Williams (Deputy Headteacher of Alexandra Park Primary School and Director of Alexandra Park Research School)

They discuss using research evidence well in the context of education, exploring the development of a culture and capacity for engaging with evidence in schools.

For quick and easy access to future episodes, search for Evidence into Action’ in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts and make sure you subscribe there.