Education Endowment Foundation:Capability building and scaling support

Capability building and scaling support

Find out about the capability building and scaling support we offer to delivery organisations.

We support projects that have been shown to be effective in raising pupil attainment, so that they can grow their delivery model, reach more settings, and be tested at a larger scale.

We want every school, early years setting, and college, to be able to access the most effective programmes and approaches for raising attainment, particularly for children and young people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

But scaling-up programmes that have been shown to have an impact so that they can reach many more settings is challenging. We know that if the scaling process isn’t conducted effectively, the impact of the programme can be reduced.

Through funding from the Department for Education’s Accelerator Fund, we’ve been able to build the support we offer to programmes that have shown an impact, so that they have the best chance of maintain the same impact when they expand to many more settings.

In 2023 – 24, we worked with Oxford MeasurEd to produce guidance and tools that any organisation can use to help their quality assurance processes and train-the-trainer models.