What is Embedding Formative Assessment?
Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) is a professional development programme which aims to improve pupil outcomes by embedding the use of formative assessment strategies across a school.
Who is leading this programme?
The Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT) are delivering the programme, a membership organisation that brings together schools and academies from across the UK and globally.
What will this programme look like in your setting?
Schools receive detailed resource packs to run monthly workshops, known as Teacher Learning Communities (TLC), and teachers conduct structured peer observations focusing on the use of formative assessment techniques.
Each monthly TLC lasts 75 minutes. All teaching staff are involved and split into groups comprising 8 – 14 people. TLC agendas and materials focus on five key formative assessment strategies:
- ‘Clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions and success criteria’
- ‘Engineering effective classroom discussions and activities’
- ‘Providing feedback that moves learning forward’
- ‘Activating learners as instructional resources for one another’
- ‘Activating learners as owners of their own learning’
Within each of these high-level concepts, the TLC handouts introduce multiple formative assessment techniques for teachers to consider.
Each school appoints a lead teacher who co-ordinates an in-school training day for senior leaders and the school’s Teacher Learning Community leaders. Following this initial day the school lead receives ongoing implementation support from an EFA mentor. This includes a mixture of visits, phone calls and emails.
Who can take part?
- Secondary schools across England can sign-up to receive this programme at a subsidised rate.
How can you register your interest?
Complete the short form at the bottom of this webpage.
The programme was developed based on existing evidence that formative assessment can improve students’ learning, including the research of Dylan Wiliam. Many schools already prioritise formative assessment, but often report that it can be challenging to implement. EFA provides schools with a structured approach to developing their formative assessment practices.
A previous EEF effectiveness trial in 140 schools had promising results, with students in the EFA schools making the equivalent of two months’ additional progress on their Attainment 8 GCSE scores. The result of this trial had a very high security rating.
As part of the Department for Education’s Accelerator Fund, the EEF is supporting programmes that have positively impacted pupil outcomes in previous EEF trials to reach more pupils, by subsidising the cost of the programme for schools. We will support these programmes to be accessible at a larger scale throughout England, with schools in Education Investment Areas being prioritised for access.
EEF is subsidising this two year programme at 75% of the programme cost. Schools are asked to contribute 25% of the cost, which is £1,550 + VAT.
Embedding Formative Assessment has already been rigorously evaluated in a previous EEF trial which produced positive findings, so this project is focused on scaling up the programme to support more schools and pupils.
The EEF has also previously commissioned a scale-up evaluation of the EFA programme, which was published in July 2024.