Leadership Lite is a leadership development and school improvement intervention, focused on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to reduce teacher workload and increase teacher satisfaction with the longer-term aim of improving teacher retention. Improving student attainment outcomes is also a goal of the school improvement programme.
Delivered over two years, the programme provides training for a senior leader, a governor, the head of the science department, and a nominated ‘lead teacher’ from the science department, as well as all other science teaching staff. It includes direct face-to-face training, gap tasks in between training sessions, network meetings, additional in-school support as required, exemplar materials, policy guidance and templates, and online support.
The programme was developed and piloted (initially in science and maths departments) by Carmel Education Trust (now Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust or BHCET) – a Multi-Academy Trust and Teaching School in the North East of England.