Education Endowment Foundation:Thinking Mathematically – pilot

Thinking Mathematically – pilot

Project info

Independent Evaluator

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Oxford MeasurEd

A pilot to evaluate Thinking Mathematically, a 20-week programme that explicitly teaches pupils how to tackle mathematical problems via an evidence-informed approach that aims to increase teachers’ use of modelling, heuristics and discussion to improve pupils’ metacognitive skills and resilience in answering problem-solving questions.

This project was recruiting but is now full. 

What’s involved?
Thinking Mathematically is an evidence informed programme that trains teachers to support Year 7 pupils to confidently tackle unfamiliar mathematical problems.

In the weekly problem-solving sessions, teachers model their own thinking using a think aloud’ method and appropriate worked examples. Teachers provide pupils with support using heuristic checklists and create de-brief’ opportunities for pupils to discuss their methods and thought processes when solving mathematical problems (e.g., through whole-class discussions led by teachers, working out solutions in pairs, and individual reflection). The programme is flexible, and schools do not have to make substantial changes to schemes of learning or existing classroom pedagogy.

The project will be delivered by maths teachers to all year 7 pupils (aged 11 – 12) at least once per week in their classes, over a 20-week period.

The project is led by Blackpool Research School who provide a full day face-to-face initial training session to two attendees from each participating school (one of which is named as the delivery lead’). A train-the-trainer model is then used for the dissemination of training materials and knowledge and this delivery is overseen by a delivery lead’ in each school. Teachers use the question bank, handbook and classroom resources provided to select appropriate problem-solving questions for use in lessons and to support the implementation of the strategy.

How much does it cost?

  • The programme will be delivered at no cost to participating schools.
  • Schools selected as case study schools’ which are required to complete further evaluation activities (e.g. in school observations) will receive a voucher worth £200.

Thinking Mathematically went through the EEF’s Early-stage Programme Development process which supports organisations to design, develop and deliver programmes that tackle educational disadvantage. As part of this process, the approach has been implemented in 21 settings and was shown to be acceptable and feasible. While many elements of the programme have already been tested, the EEF are interested in funding this pilot to test the programme’s scalability in a larger number of schools, via an independent evaluation.

Thinking Mathematically was founded on the key findings from the EEF’s Guidance Report on Improving Mathematics in Key Stages 2 and 3, particularly in relation to its recommendations in teaching strategies to solve problems. It also aligns with wider evidence on mathematical problem solving.

The project will be evaluated by Oxford MeasurED as a pilot. The evaluation will be a mixed-methods Implementation and Process evaluation to explore how schools implement the programme and perceive it. All participating settings will be asked to complete two short online surveys and a sample of 10 schools will be selected as case studies’ for further evaluation activities, including in-school observations.

The evaluation report will be published in Spring 2026.