This rapid evidence assessment aims to summarise the efficacy of remote professional development (PD) approaches to support school leaders and PD providers with decisions they are making about PD provision given social distancing requirements caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
When schools re-open in September, it is likely some staff and pupils will stay away from school as a result of health concerns. The need for distancing may pose challenges to delivering PD within school.
Staff may also be unable to attend traditional face-to-face training outside school as national or local guidance may restrict movement, staff may need to limit contact due to personal health concerns; or schools may require teachers to be present in school in order to re-establish routines, support ongoing home learning or provide catch-up support to help to close the gaps that are likely to have emerged following partial school closures between March and September 2020.
The review systematically searched for meta-analyses and systematic reviews to find the best evidence for fully remote and for blended PD approaches.
Education Endowment Foundation:Remote Professional development
Remote Professional development
Summary of the evidence on the efficacy of remote professional development (PD) approaches to support school leaders and PD providers.
Download resource Remote PD Rapid Evidence Assessment
Download resource Protocol: Remote PD Rapid Evidence Assessment