This is the East and East Midlands region. Our work here reaches schools in the large cities of Leicester, Peterborough, and Cambridge, as well as rural schools from Derbyshire to Essex.
The region has five Research Schools.
The Regional Lead works with the Research Schools and builds partnerships to support their engagement in the region. The Regional Lead for the East and East Midlands is Siobhan Keddie.
If you are based in the East and East Midlands and are interested in working with the EEF do get in touch.
North West region
EEF support for schools in the North West
North region
EEF support for schools in the North East
Yorkshire region
EEF support for schools in Yorkshire
West Midlands region
EEF support for schools in the West Midlands and Central region
South West and South Coast region
EEF support for schools in the South West and South Coast region
London and South East region
EEF support for schools in the London and South East region
Campaigns and projects to promote and learn about effective use of evidence
Campaigns to inform teachers and school leaders about the best available evidence.
A guide to regional partnerships
Find out more about our approach to partnerships.