Education Endowment Foundation:EEF blog: Planning for progress – Four key resources for the new academic year

EEF blog: Planning for progress – Four key resources for the new academic year

Our key resources to support teachers and school leaders
Kirsten Mould
Kirsten Mould
Senior Content Manager

Kirsten Mould, experienced teacher and school leader, introduces some of our new key resources to support staff in improving outcomes for their pupils this year.

Blog •3 minutes •

September is here and children and staff across the country are starting a brand-new term, at the top of a brand-new academic year.

There’s a sense of renewed determination that accompanies this time, as educators and leaders prepare to get to know new classes and new children– and consider how best to set them up for success.

Here are some of the latest EEF resources to support you in planning for progress this year:

1. The Reading House

There is a huge amount of research about the teaching of reading, and how the different aspects of reading relate to one another. The Reading House’ – adapted from Hogan, Bridges, Justice and Cain – is an illustration that helpfully breaks down some of this complexity.

This interactive tool includes a library of blogs, resources, and key definitions for teachers and leaders to learn more about the components of successful reading comprehension for individual classroom practice and for planning professional development.

In addition to the Reading House’, our Vocabulary in Action’ poster offers a straightforward, simple summary of key techniques we can use to develop our approaches to direct vocabulary teaching.

Interactive RH
Graphic illustrating how word reading and language comprehension are underpinned by other building blocks reading.
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Use these techniques as part of teacher modelling, explanation, and pupil practice to support your vocabulary teaching.

2. Metacognition starter kit

The EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit, and EEF Metacognition and Self-Regulation guidance report, show the positive potential of mobilising metacognition in classrooms. However, implementing and sustaining approaches that support metacognitive thinking and independent learning can prove really challenging.

This metacognition starter kit signposts key EEF resources that could be helpful. It highlights a range of tools to help build staff knowledge and provides suggested activities for initial professional development on metacognition: helping build knowledge to develop those timely teacher habits to promote independent learning.

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This starter kit signposts key EEF metacognition resources.

3. Mathematical purposeful play

Delivering high-quality teaching is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils. Teaching approaches that ensure long-term retention of knowledge and fluency in mathematical key skills are crucial. Children need frequent opportunities to practise new mathematical skills to transfer the information learned in guided practice to their long-term memory. Talk can play an important role in supporting mathematical learning. Indeed, a well-designed game, well-chosen storybook or puzzle can be an opportunity to promote rich mathematical discussion. When playing with a purpose, children may discuss strategies, deepen their mathematical understanding, and apply what they have learned in a new context.

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This poster introduces the TOLD approach to supporting high-quality talk in maths.

4. Early years professional development guide

Educators from all early years settings, including childminders and professionals working in schools or nurseries, can use this guide to assess and refine professional development (PD) offered in their context.

To increase the chance that participation in PD leads to practice improvements, we recommend that it:

  • Builds practitioners’ knowledge;
  • Motivates educators to adopt and maintain changes to their practice;
  • Develops specific techniques; and
  • Embeds new approaches into practice.

And if you want to hear more, our top performing podcast from 2022 – 23 was:

And our top three blogs read in 22.23 were:

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