Education Endowment Foundation:Writing in Key Stages 1 – 4: Spring 2024 Grant-funding Round

Writing in Key Stages 1 – 4: Spring 2024 Grant-funding Round

Apply for funding with programmes focused on writing.

The EEF’s grant-funding tests the impact of high-potential programmes and approaches aiming to raise the attainment of 2 – 19-year-olds from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

This funding round is part of EEF’s reinvigorated commissioning approach. Funding rounds now have particular topic foci and fund projects within selected themes under these topics. This is to ensure that we are focusing on funding projects to answer the most important questions as suggested by the existing evidence base, while also prioritising the areas that are likely to be most beneficial for socio-economically disadvantaged pupils.

Recent data has indicated a concerning trend in Writing. In 2023, only 71% of children left primary school having met the expected standard in Writing, a slight increase from 69% in 2022 but a notable decline from 78% in 2019 (DfE, 2023). More troublingly, only 58% of disadvantaged pupils met the expected standard in Writing at the end of primary school in 2023 (DfE, 2023) compared to 77% of pupils not known to be disadvantaged. Recognising the significance of this issue, Writing is a priority on the EEF’s Research Agenda for 2024, starting with our Spring 2024 programmes funding round.

The objective of this funding is to support and evaluate programmes aimed at improving the writing outcomes of pupils aged 5 – 16 (KS1‑4) in England. We are interested in pedagogical Writing approaches and programmes that aim to increase pupil attainment in writing, particularly for pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Further information about this theme and the priority areas for this funding can be found in the Guidance Notes provided below.

Please note that this round has two separate application forms depending on the funding stream best suited for the programme – one for Development and Pilot projects, and one for Efficacy and Effectiveness trials.

  • Development and Pilot: Development includes programmes in the early stage of development and delivery that require further development/​iteration. Pilot includes evaluations of programmes that are fully developed and ready to be piloted in a small number of settings.
  • Efficacy and Effectiveness Trials: Efficacy includes evaluations of programmes that are ready to be trialled (subjected to an impact evaluation) under best possible conditions. Effectiveness is the stage after an Efficacy trial and includes programmes that are already well evidenced and scaled, and ready to be trialled at a larger scale under everyday conditions.

Please consult the Guidance Notes for the Writing in KS1‑4 funding theme and use the decision tree (below) to identify which funding stream you should apply to:

Programmes decision tree

If you’ve answered mostly As, it might be that your programme is more suitable for Development.

If you’ve answered mostly Bs, it might be that your programme is more suitable for a Pilot.

If you’ve answered mostly Cs, use the Efficacy and Effectiveness application form.

Please find the Guidance Notes for Writing in Key Stages 1 – 4 funding here.

The deadline for applications was Thursday 4 April 2024 at 11:00.

Please find below the recording of the Writing Applicant Webinar which took place on Tuesday 5 March.

EEF Spring 2024 Grant funding Round - Writing

Writing in Key Stages 1 – 4

Guidance Notes to support you in completing the initial application form for our Spring 2024 grant-funding round.Uploaded:  • 541.9 KB - pdf
Download resource Writing in Key Stages 1-4