Education Endowment Foundation:Year 6 science assessment

Year 6 science assessment

The Year 6 Science Assessment is a measure of Year 6 scientific attainment, intended for pupils at the end of Year 6.

There are currently no appropriate standardised science tests available for the purpose of evaluating Year 6 science attainment for research purposes. To further primary science education research, and enable rigorous evaluation of the impact of science approaches and interventions, the EEF commissioned the York Trials Unit to develop and evaluate a new science attainment measure for Year 6 pupils, to be used as a meaningful outcome measure in upcoming EEF-funded evaluations. 

The Year 6 Science Assessment will be a measure of Year 6 scientific attainment, intended for pupils at the end of Year 6. The questions will be a mix of those measuring scientific knowledge and scientific understanding. They will cover process and enquiry skills, lower-level thinking skills such as simple factual recall and higher order thinking skills such as applying knowledge to new situations. The assessment will incorporate science topics, reflecting the way they are covered in the curriculum. Working Scientifically’ (understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science by focusing on the key features of scientific enquiry) will be embedded within the assessment. There will be a focus on topics in the Year 6 curriculum:

  • Living things and their habitats (classification and characteristics across microorganisms, plants and animals)
  • Animals including humans (circulation and lifestyle)
  • Evolution and inheritance (adaptation)
  • Light (light sources, reflection and shadows)
  • Electricity (voltage, circuits and symbols).

The Measure Development Report and the measure and marking scheme will be published in Spring 2024.

Key stages: Key Stage 2

Project Location: National