Education Endowment Foundation:What have we done to build, summarise, and mobilise the evidence in 2024?

What have we done to build, summarise, and mobilise the evidence in 2024?

Our year in review

How well you do at school shouldn’t be determined by how much your parents earn. That’s why we work to transform education outcomes for the children and young people who need it most through better use of evidence. 

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So what have we done in this year to help further our mission?

We’ve built the evidence

  • We’ve funded the development, evaluation, and scale-up of programmes and approaches that aim to boost outcomes for disadvantaged children and young people aged from two to 19.
  • We launched 22 new projects. Most recently, these included two post-16 projects to support maths and English resit learners.
  • We added 16 independent evaluation reports to the global evidence base, including the first ever trial of teachers’ use of ChatGPT to support lesson planning and a positive result from a large trial of a programme to support young children’s maths development.
  • We ran two funding rounds, focused on writing in Key Stage 1 – 4 and secondary maths.

We’ve summarised the evidence

  • We added new themes to our Evidence Store, to exemplify the evidence on supporting self-regulation and executive function and physical development in the early years.
  • We added 1,300 studies to the database underpinning the Teaching and Learning Toolkit.
  • Almost 400,000 users visited our Teaching and Learning Toolkits.

We’ve put it to use

  • We launched 10 new regional partnerships to improve teaching and educational outcomes for local pupils, specifically those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • We supported a network of 33 Research Schools across England. Each Research School supports other schools, colleges, and early years settings in their region by communicating research evidence and helping embed this into practice through training and school-to-school support.
  • Our resources were downloaded 1.4m times. Our most popular were our implementation and special educational needs in mainstream schools guidance reports.

What’s next?

As we look ahead to 2025, we are more well-equipped than we’ve ever been to support the sector to improve teaching and learning through better use of evidence.

Thank-you to every school, college, or early years setting who has taken part in one of our projects, signed-up to a training session, or downloaded one of our resources this year. We can’t wait to work with you again next year.