The EEF does not process any personal data for evaluation purposes.
Evaluation data are processed: a) during the evaluation project by independent evaluation teams and project delivery teams; and b) after the evaluation has been completed and the data archived by the EEF’s archive manager.
Privacy notices for each individual evaluation project are issued by independent evaluation and/or project delivery teams at the start of the project.
The privacy notice of our archive manager (data processor), FFT Education (FFT), is available online here.
In the interest of transparency and clarity, we have written a document – available online here – to explain the EEF’s approach to data protection with regards to its evaluation activities.
Privacy notices
Privacy notice – information that we need to tell everyone
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for website users
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for enquiries
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for funding applications
Privacy notices
Guidance on data protection for schools and settings involved in an EEF-funded project
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for subscribers to EEF emails
Privacy notices
You are responding to an EEF survey or part of a focus group
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for those attending an EEF-organised event
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for individual donors
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for identified potential or current supporters
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for EEF grantees and suppliers
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for job applicants
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for employees
Privacy notices
Complaints policy
Privacy notices
You or your school or setting is involved in the NELI scale up evaluation
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for the EEF data archive
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for schools involved in Accelerator Fund scale up projects
Privacy notices
You are on the EEF Evaluation Panel, Peer Reviewer Panel or an associated third-party
Privacy notices