This page should be read in conjunction with our privacy notice main page which covers information relevant to anyone whose data is used by the EEF.
The purpose for collecting your data is so we can deliver the event you have registered for, communicate to you all relevant information, fulfil and monitor our legal responsibilities (eg, under public safety legislation), and, in accordance with your preferences, communicate with you about other EEF events, news, and opportunities.
The lawful bases basis we rely on for processing your personal data is are your consent under article 6(1)(a), performance of contract under article 6(1) (b) and our legitimate interests under article 6(1) (f) of the GDPR.
We collect data for the purposes of delivering the event. Personal data we collect may include: your title, name, and full postal, email and/or telephone contact details; your job title and role; dietary requests. We may also collect biographical information about you from publicly available sources and this may include photographs. This information will be provided to the host(s) to help with the flow of the event.
We may share some of the information with external organisations providing services for the event you are attending; in particular, we may share your information (including dietary requests) with the catering service if you are attending an event where catering is offered. The information shared will only be used to provide the service required and will not be retained by these external organisations after the event is concluded.
The information you provide when you register for an event will be kept for a minimum of 12 months and no longer than 24 months after the event has occurred.
If you consent to stay in touch with us, essential information to communicate with you will be kept until you withdraw your consent or unsubscribe to specific communication as explained above in our ‘Privacy notice for subscribers to EEF emails’.
We rely on your consent and our legitimate interests to process the personal data you provide to us for organising event(s) you register to attend. This means you have the right to withdraw your consent, or to object to the processing of your personal data for this purpose at any time. If you do that, we’ll update our records immediately to reflect your wishes.
For more information on your rights, please see‘Your rights’on our privacy notice main page.
Yes. We sometimes use Eventbrite, a ticketing and registration platform, to process event registrations. Eventbrite may transfer this data to the US and we rely on standard contractual clauses to justify transferring the data overseas. Further information can be found in Eventbrite’s privacy notice.
Privacy notices
Privacy notice – information that we need to tell everyone
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for website users
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for enquiries
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for funding applications
Privacy notices
Guidance on data protection for schools and settings involved in an EEF-funded project
Privacy notices
Guidance on data protection for grantees delivering or evaluating an EEF-funded project
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for subscribers to EEF emails
Privacy notices
You are responding to an EEF survey or part of a focus group
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Privacy notice for individual donors
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Privacy notice for identified potential or current supporters
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Privacy notice for EEF grantees and suppliers
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for job applicants
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Privacy notice for employees
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Complaints policy
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You or your school or setting is involved in the NELI scale up evaluation
Privacy notices
Privacy notice for the EEF data archive
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Privacy notice for schools involved in Accelerator Fund scale up projects
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You are on the EEF Evaluation Panel, Peer Reviewer Panel or an associated third-party
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